If I came to visit you and you had my undivided time and attention for 24 hours, what would you like to do together? Be specific--you never know, it might be possible!
Sometimes I can't resist memes. Ganked from a-white-rain.
If you had me alone, locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to*, what would you have me do
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I OWE SOMEONE A BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT, AND THAT SOMEONE IS hjea! (ohvienna, IT WAS TOTALLY YOUR BIRTHDAY TOO and I would love to have written you Gene/Alex, but I am not canonified enough yet! MAYBE IT WILL COME. MORE WINE. ♥) Anyway, I love both of you; please stay in my life and in my LJ forever kthxbai. :D